
how are you?

إعمل لأخرتك وكأنك تموت غدا وإعمل لدنياك كأنك تعيش أبدا

أجمل ما في هندسة الحياه أن تبني جسرا من الأمل فوق بحيرة من اليأس

Friday, February 29, 2008

Thus taught me life ....???

* * Thus taught me life

. If woke up too late .. Will remain a rabbit throughout the day
. The sad at the moment of death .. Sorour times in the hour of birth
. Beauty without a virtue .. Without early Abir
. Do not fill your mouth again .. Before what is hidden
. If you want to be great .. I work in silence
. Courage is the only thing that if gold .. Everything went
. If I abandoned my son and then my mountain before I put the last stone in the top .. Listed myself to failure
. Good belong .. The Bad prevail
. Our hearts are completely .. Must provide it from time to time, love and happiness
. If Tank one of the successor .. This means that you are at the forefront
. Lying is .. The means used by the failed Rights
. Marriage is .. Beautiful reminder of love
. Poor .. Is not a friend
. Duplex is .. Is not valid when God
. Most types of falling .. Rainfall
. Rights, which is great smiles .. When tears are on the verge of falling
. Extinguish the candle other .. Remained in the dark like him ..

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